Cookie Policy
Cookies and Similar Technology
To help analyze how you and other visitors navigate SO EASY RIDER websites, and compile aggregate statistics about site usage and response rates, we, with assistance from third-party analytics service providers, collect certain information when you visit our site. This information includes IP address, geographic location of the device, browser type, browser language, date and time of your request, time(s) of your visit(s), demographics, page views and page elements (e.g., links) that you click. We may use cookies, pixel tags, web beacons, clear GIF’s or other similar tools on our site or in our email messages to assist us in collecting and analyzing such information. We use this information to provide better, more relevant content on our site, to measure the effectiveness of advertisements, to identify and fix problems, and to improve your overall experience on our site. We may also engage one or more third party service providers to provide online advertisements on our behalf. They may use a pixel tag or other similar technology to collect information about your visits to sites, and they may use that information to send you targeted advertisements. For more information regarding this practice and to opt-out of such collection and use of this information by our third party service providers, please see
If you do not want information collected through the use of these technologies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows you to automatically decline many of these technologies, or to be given the choice of declining or accepting them. In addition, if you reside in a jurisdiction that requires us to obtain your consent to use cookies on our sites then you will have an opportunity to manage your cookie preferences on the sites; except that certain cookies are required to enable core site functionality and you cannot choose to disable those cookies.
We use locally stored objects, also known as Flash cookies, in certain situations where we use the Adobe Flash Player to provide special content such as videos or video clips. Flash uses this technology to remember settings, preferences and usage similar to browser cookies but Flash cookies are not managed through your web browser. Learn how to manage privacy and storage settings for Flash cookies.
When you sync your SO EASY RIDER device through SO EASY RIDER Express, data recorded on your device about your activity is transferred from your device to our servers. Each time a sync occurs, we log data about the transmission, such as the Internet Protocol (IP) address used when syncing, the sync time and date, crash/diagnostic logs, geographic location of the device, information about your device, information about the network used to sync (e.g., Wi-Fi or cellular) and device battery level. We use this information to help identify and resolve syncing issues.
We track and collect data from users about their usage of SO EASY RIDER Express and SO EASY RIDER mobile apps. The types of analytical information that are collected include the date and time the device accesses our servers, software version, the geographic location of the device, language, what information and files have been downloaded to the device, user behavior (e.g. what features used, frequency of use), device state information, device model, hardware and operating system information, and information relating to how the device functions. SO EASY RIDER uses this data to improve the quality and functionality of SO EASY RIDER Express and other SO EASY RIDER products and apps; to develop and market products and features that best serve you and other users; and to help identify and fix usability problems as quickly as possible.
Here are examples of third-party providers of analytics and similar services we currently use:
- Analytics Services:
- Google: Google Analytics is used to track site statistics and user demographics, interests and behavior on websites. Firebase, another Google service, is used on some of our mobile apps to track the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns and advertisements. We also use Google Search Console to help understand how our website visitors find our website and to improve our search engine optimization. Learn more about how this analytics information may be used, and on how to control the use of your information.
- Azure Application Insights: Azure Application Insights is used to help us better understand usage of SO EASY RIDER Express to improve user experience. Azure Application Insights is a Microsoft service. View Microsoft’s privacy policy.
- HockeyApp; Crashlytics (Fabric): HockeyApp, which is a Microsoft service, and Crashlytics are used to help us better understand usage of SO EASY RIDER mobile apps to improve user experience and to identify and resolve the root causes of app crashes. Read Crashlytics' privacy policy.
- Flurry; Umeng; Amplitude: Flurry, which is a Yahoo service, Umeng, and Amplitude are used to help us better understand usage of SO EASY RIDER mobile apps to improve user experience. Read Umeng’s privacy policy or Amplitude’s privacy policy.
- Splunk: Splunk is used to analyze, troubleshoot, and solve problems that may occur from time to time with SO EASY RIDER’s account login functions, and is also used to help SO EASY RIDER secure its websites and apps from malicious use. View Splunk’s privacy policy.
- Tag Management: SO EASY RIDER uses Tealium IQ Tag Management to help manage the various analytics services and cookie and pixel tag technologies SO EASY RIDER uses to measure website usage. To provide such services, Tealium receives basic server log information from users of SO EASY RIDER’s websites (e.g., IP address, browser and operating system information). Tealium’s use of such information is governed by Tealium’s privacy policy.
- Social Networks: Third-party social networks that provide interactive plug-ins or social networking features (for example, to allow you to connect to Facebook or Google to find friends to add as connections or to "Like" a page) on SO EASY RIDER websites or mobile apps, may use cookies or other methods (for example, web beacons) to gather information regarding your use of our websites and apps. The use of such information by a third party depends on the privacy policy available on that social network’s website, which we encourage you to carefully review. Such third parties may use these cookies or other tracking methods for their own purposes by relating information about your use of our site with any of your Personal Information that they may have. We may also obtain analytics information from social networks that help us measure the effectiveness of our content and advertisements on social networks (e.g., impressions and clicks).